Privacy policy – Personal Data Protection

Data Controller and purposes

Pursuant to Personal Data Protection Regulations (particularly, as established by the European Union General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, hereinafter “RGPD”), users are hereby informed that the personal data provided by email, sent through the web forms or by any other means or mechanism located or provided on this website, will be incorporated into the data processing systems of Data Controller GRAPHENE SYNTHETIC FEEDSTOCK S.L. (hereinafter “Entzimatiko”), for the following purposes: to answer questions and queries received, to contact you, to manage requested products and services, commercial relationships and legitimate functions inherent to its activity, to perform administrative management,  as well as to send future commercial communications that may be of interest to you.

The personal data provided will be kept as long as the commercial or professional relationship is maintained and, where applicable, for the years necessary to comply with the legal obligations, or until its cancellation is requested.

Legal Basis

Pursuant to Personal Data

The legal basis for the processing of the personal data are the following:

  • Execution of a service contract (or pre-contract) when processing of customer (or potential customer) data
  • Consent of the interested party when processing general requests (contact, job application and other forms)
  • Data controller ‘s legitimate interests when executing direct marketing actions (commercial communications)
  • Compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject (fraud prevention, disclosure to public administration, etc.)

In order to fulfil the purposes stated, your data may be forwarded to companies in the INZU Group, to which Entzimatiko belongs, in order to improve the service provided and always in compliance with the legislation on personal data protection. Your data may, as well, be forwarded to tax administration, banking entity and Public administration with competence in the matter.

The processing of your personal data will be done confidentially. Entzimatiko is committed to the privacy and protection of users’ personal data and uses all the resources at its disposal to guarantee the security and privacy of the interested parties.

Collection of personal data

Entzimatiko does not require you to provide personal data to access the website. However, there are contact forms, the use of which requires that the interested party provide personal information. The user provides their personal data freely and voluntarily. Entzimatiko does not request more personal information than is necessary to receive the requested service.

Any user that includes in this website any type of content (data, texts, videos, sound, photographs, graphics, messages or other material) declares and guarantees to do so in a way that conforms to the terms and conditions expressed herein. Any user that includes the personal data of third parties declares that he/she has their consent and permission for its publication.

The user is solely responsible for the truthfulness and correctness of the data included, exonerating Entzimatiko from any liability in this regard. Users guarantee and respond, in any case, for the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided, and undertake to keep it properly updated.

The sending of information through this website necessarily implies express acceptance for this privacy policy and the general terms and conditions of the website.

Rights of interested parties

You can exercise the rights of access, rectification, limitation, opposition and portability, as well as withdraw your consent or make any other request on this matter by writing to the Data Controller, Entzimatiko, at Mikeletegi, Paseo de 43 – 20009 – Donostia-San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa (Spain), or via the e-mail address [email protected]

The application must include a copy of the document certifying the identity of the applicant (ID, Passport or similar). If you are making the request in your capacity as legal representative, you must attach, in addition to a copy of the Identity Document, a document accrediting such representation.

The control authority that you can contact if you do not agree with the resolution of the requests or to submit a complaint is the Spanish Data Protection Agency (

Security measures

Entzimatiko shall process the personal data contained in its data processing system with the technical and organisational measures necessary to guarantee security and prevent them from being altered, lost, processed or accessed without authorisation, bearing in mind the state of technology, the kind of data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, either from human action or from the physical or natural environment pursuant to legislation in force that is applicable to security measures for processing data that contains personal information, particularly the RGPD and its implementing regulation. 

However, users are hereby informed that IT security measures are not impregnable and possible illegal and undue intromissions are possible, for which Entzimatiko would not be liable.

Traffic data

In order to offer a better service through this website, the IP address of the user’s device may be registered, allowing the subsequent processing of the data in order to analyse, amongst others, the number of pages visited, the number of visits, as well as the activity of visitors/users of the website, and their frequency of use.

Users are informed about the registration of the IP address of their device during connection and browsing on the website, without it being necessary to inform about it every time they access this website.

For the above-mentioned purposes, this website may be measured and analysed with Google Analytics and/or similar tools, which can use bookmarks on the pages and cookies to analyse what happens on the different pages of the website of Entzimatiko.

Link to Social Networks and web channels

This website can offer links to social networks and external websites and channels (LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.). Entzimatiko assumes no liability in relation to these linked sites. Users who access social networks and external websites and channels, related to  Entzimatiko, from the links located on this website or in any other way, are previously and expressly informed that the terms and conditions of use, privacy policies, cookie policies and any terms and conditions and/or regulations depend on the entities responsible for these social networks and websites and channels, and never on Entzimatiko.


Entzimatiko reserves the right to modify its privacy policy according to its criteria, or legislative or jurisprudential changes. If the Data Controller introduces any modification, the new text shall be posted on this same website, where the user can be aware of it. In any event, the relationship with users shall be governed by the regulations in force at the exact time the website is accessed. For this reason, Entzimatiko recommends that you visit this privacy policy every time you connect to the website.

Entzimatiko shall pursue any breach of this privacy policy, as well as any misuse of the features and contents presented on its website by exercising all civil and criminal actions that may correspond to it in Law, including those that are economic in nature.


The relations established between Entzimatiko and the user shall be governed by stipulations in governing regulations on applicable legislation and jurisdiction. Notwithstanding, in cases where regulations stipulate the possibility of parties submitting to one certain jurisdiction, Entzimatiko and the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may be applicable to them, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Donostia / San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa, Spain).